Consumers concerned about obesity and related health issues have an increased interest in low-calorie, reduced- and no-sugar products.
Sugar Reduction: Top of Mind for Today’s Consumers
With 80% of U.S. adults intentionally avoiding or reducing sugar in their diets,1 it’s clear that sugar reduction is top of mind for them, and therefore, for food and beverage manufacturers. Also, today’s updated nutrition panels calling out “added sugars” are further heightening consumer awareness.
At the same time, balancing calories and great taste is critical because consumers may want to reduce their sugar intake, but they will not sacrifice taste nor texture to do so.
Sugar Reduction Can Pose Sensory Challenges
Reducing added sugar content can introduce challenges beyond sweetness alone, including:
With taste and texture as consumers’ top drivers,2 there’s no room for anything but a great sensory experience when creating a successful product with less added sugars.
What Fibersol® Brings to the Table
With Fibersol® prebiotic dietary fiber, you can give consumers the reduced sugars and calories they want and the great taste they demand. Fibersol® is known to enhance positive taste and texture attributes, including improved mouthfeel in low- or no-sugar products, while contributing no flavor of its own. Fibersol® has also been found to balance the flavor profile and improve acceptability of proteins, zero-calorie sweeteners and other ingredients that may possess harsh bitter notes.
Low in sugar itself and containing very few simple sugars, Fibersol® can help support the following in-demand label claims:
Where sweeteners are used to reduce sugar, Fibersol® helps deliver on taste, texture and a better overall sensorial experience, by helping to:
A Formulator-Friendly Solution
Fibersol® offers formulators a wide variety of solutions with the ability to largely replace sugars and still provide tasty consumer-pleasing products. It provides solutions for significant sugar reduction and noticeable calorie reduction, with the ability to reduce sugar up to 30%. In certain applications, Fibersol® may help facilitate close to 100% sugar reduction in conjunction with high-intensity sweeteners.
With no taste or aroma, Fibersol® is easy to work with and blends well, dispersing and dissolving easily. Actually, Fibersol® can maintain—or improve—desired product attributes in virtually any application.
Benefits for Reduced Sugar Beverages
Fibersol® not only adds mouthfeel and sweetness quality, it can help mask off notes created by the use of high-intensity sweeteners in reduced-sugar beverages. It can support successful sugar reduction in a wide variety of beverages with minimal formulation or process adjustments.
Benefits for Reduced Sugar Foods
Fibersol® is great for replacing mouthfeel and viscosity in products featuring reduced sugars. In reduced-sugar in baked goods and snacks, Fibersol® builds back structural integrity such as binding, texture and crispness. In frozen desserts, Fibersol® helps provide smoother mouthfeel due to its smaller crystal formation, increases freezing point and offers better resilience to freeze/thaw conditions.
Fibersol® is an ideal drop-in solution for formulators seeking to add fiber and reduce sugar. Build your brand’s successful reduced-sugar offerings, with Fibersol®. Let’s get started!
1ADM Outside Voice℠ Sugar Reduction & U.S. Consumers, 2020
2IFIC 2022 Food and Health Survey Report